Valley Ministries Charitable Trust


God's love in a hurting world




Our core values



Individuals and families are met at their point of need without preaching or judgement directed at them. This is to promote the love and caring relationship required to help a person out of their "valleys" and into a place of health and well-being in Christ.



The well-being of families is a valued priority for all people involved in Valley Ministries and is reflected in the way we seek to help others.



All ministries are called and anointed by the Spirit of God. Jesus only did that which the Father showed him to do and we endeavour to do likewise.



We place no limitations on what God may call us to do and encourage others to obey God in whatever way He may lead them to help in the fulfilment of the vision of Valley Ministries.



Recognition is given to an individual gifting in so far as it contributes to an overall team effort for the aims and purposes of Valley Ministries. Agreement is set as a principle for direction. Unity with local Bible based churches is also valued and desired.



All aspects of ministry are Biblically based. Principles set out in the Bible are used with sensitivity and understanding. No techniques or teaching that is contrary to the Bible is ever knowingly given.



All ministry carried out is done with a desire for excellence for the glory of God.



All team members, supporters and clients are regarded as having personal sovereignty before God giving them freedom of choice for which they will be accountable. While anointed leadership and direction is encouraged, accountability is required to prevent any control or manipulation. Integrity, love and respect being the guiding principles for all relationships.



Valley Ministries seeks to minister with an appreciation of the needs of the whole person.



It is recognised that all resources and abilities are God's gifts to us and we therefore seek to use them wisely and prayerfully for His glory and the benefit of those they were given for.



Evangelism is at the heart of Valley Ministries in as much as it is the expression of the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ. It is the expression of His love for people and families that is our primary focus, rather than any results that may be reflected by church attendance. It is through and by this love that we seek to offer a Christian alternative to the counselling models and strategies, the humanistic philosophies and man's attempts to cope with and create life for himself.



We believe:

  1. That the Holy Bible is the divinely inspired and infallible word of God, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.
  2. In one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  3. In the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of the Father, His virgin birth, sinless life, works of miracles and atoning death upon a cross.
  4. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead, His ascension, His imminent return to the world and its judgement by Him.
  5. That all people have sinned and will stand before God to give an account of their lives.
  6. That the penalty of death for sin was made by Jesus and that faith in Him alone gives redemption for eternal life.
  7. In the Holy Spirit who works within a believer to give him repentance, faith, sanctification and the power to witness and work for Jesus.
  8. In the resurrection of the body for an eternal destiny in heaven or hell.
  9. That corporately all believers form the church as the body of Christ into who we are all baptised, with a responsibility for keeping the bond of love, peace and purity.


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